Sunday, January 26, 2020
Chronic Low Back Pain and Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening
Chronic Low Back Pain and Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening Introduction Chronic Low Back Pain is a common condition now a days and refers to pain localized to lower back or lumbar spine. It is common with in adult population and there is limited research available about using the Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening Exercise as a physiotherapy treatment for this condition. In this essay, Chronic Low Back Pain and Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening Exercise will be explained briefly and its significance to physiotherapy practice will be discussed with reference to a Randomised Control Trial (RCT) by Manisha Rathi (Appendix A). Furthermore, the philosophical assumptions underpinning this study will be analysed. Finally, by using a critiquing tool (Appendix B) ,the study will be then critiqued for its strengths and limitations. Significance of the Issue Chronic Low Back Pain is a common musculoskeletal problem in modern society. Around 70 % to 85% of population will experience low back pain at some time in their life; and 5% to 15% will develop chronic low back pain (Liddle, Baxter, Gracey, 2004). Low back pain is defined as pain, muscle tension, or stiffness below the costal margin and above the inferior gluteal folds, with or without leg pain (Koes, Tulder Thomas, 2006) and Chronic low back pain is classified as pain and disability lasting for more than 12 week duration (Philadelphia panel, 2001). It commonly occurs in young age when people are in their twenties. Back and spine impairments are common in women with the value of 70.3 per 1000 population than in man where there is 57.3 per 1000 population( Andersson Gunnar, 1999). The common causes of low back pain includes stressed or irritated muscle or ligament. The strain develops over a period of time due to poor posture and when posture is not corrected, strain builds up and eventually stretches or irritates muscle or ligament producing low back pain (E.R. Viera, S Kumar 2007). Another important cause related to the development of chronic low back pain includes imbalance between flexor and extensor muscles of trunk including respiratory muscles and muscles of continence, which are responsible for spinal and pelvic support (Hides et al.,2001, Cholewicki et al., 2005) . Most important symptoms of chronic low back pain are functional disability and pain (Koes et al.,2006). Exercise therapy is widely recommended for the treatment of low back pain (Rasmussen- Barr, Ang, Arvidsson and Nilsson Wikmar, 2009). Pelvic floor exercises that contribute to the contraction of abdominals and lumbopelvic stability seems to be more effective than conventional treatment.( Manisha Rathi,2013). Pelvic Floor Muscles (PFM) form the base of abdominal cavity. Except for, their importance in patients with urinary and faecal incontinence, PFM also play vital role in proper muscle activation for stabilization and unloading of lumbar spine. Furthermore, Pelvic floor muscle contraction have also shown to produce contraction of abdominal muscles and vice -versa (Sapsford and Hodges, 2001). Morkved et al.(2007) suggest that group training (Pelvic floor muscle exercises, aerobic exercises and additional exercises) during pregnancy also provide evidence of beneficial effects in preventing lumbopelvic pain. According to Manisha Rathi (2013), there are very little published evidence to measure the effect of Pelvic floor muscle exercises in the management of chronic low back pain and hence the study was conducted, which further supported the effectiveness of pelvic floor muscle exercise in females with chronic low back pain. Moreover, this physiotherapeutic intervention combined with conventional treatment seems to refurbish the functional ability as well as manage the pain in the females with chronic low back pain. Philosophical Assumptions Underpinning Quantitative Research Understanding of research can improve the depth of professional healthcare practice. Being a person trained in healthcare calls for clinical choices based on best existing research evidence (Polit and Beck 7th ed. p. 4). There are various research designs present, to offer us the appropriate information to support our clinical reasoning. This segment will discover the philosophical assumptions underpinning the research methodology used by Manisha Rathi (2013) in her study regarding the effect of Pelvic Floor Muscle strengthening exercises in chronic low back pain. This is a randomised control trial which is a true experimental type of research characterised by randomisation and control group to minimise systematic bias (Polit and Beck 7th ed. p. 225-226). The Positivist Paradigm The positivist paradigm underlies the existence of some reality and in this, much research activity is directed towards understanding and knowing it (Polit and Beck,7th ed. p.15). The recent evidence-based practice movement is an example of positivist approach to knowing (Grant Giddings, 2002, pg.14) . According to the Grant Giddings Knowledge is to be discovered so that people can explain, predict and control events. The knowledge can be acquired through research and helps with professional decision making and practice, which can lead us to best quality in health care (Polit Beck,7th ed., Grant and Giddings, 2002). Exploring the Research title Effect of Pelvic Floor Muscle strengthening exercises in chronic low back pain, the title makes it understand that the authors were trying to find out the effects of pelvic floor muscle exercises aspiring to improve the treatment plan for a group of individuals. It shows the approach of Manisha Rathi (2013) to be following the Positivist Para digm. In a positivist approach, RCT is valid to a great extent as its methodology is rated higher than others because of the type of evidence it produces(Grant and Giddings, 2002). This is another hint that Manisha Rathi(2013) was utilizing the positivist approach, as she is attempting to give information about a treatment plan by conducting a randomised control trial which is believed to produce the best evidence (Grant Giddings, 2002). Determinism Determinism is an assumption of positivist paradigm and refers to belief that phenomena i.e. observable facts and events are not haphazard or random but rather have antecedent causes (Polit and Beck, 7th ed.). Specifically, it can be said that all events occur pursuant to preceding laws or events. Manisha Rathi(2013) demonstrate determinism in her study by giving the evidence that chronic low back pain can be caused by imbalance between various muscles of trunk including respiratory muscles and muscles of continence (Pelvic floor muscles), which are responsible for spinal and pelvic support and that pelvic floor muscle exercise may show positive effects on the population suffering from this ailment. Deductive Reasoning Deductive reasoning is the process of developing specific predictions from general principles (Polit and Beck 7th ed. p.11). In other words, it is the formation of reasoning from various general statements and involves pre specified design and emphasis on specific concepts. According to Roberts and Burke (1989) It refers to an approach in which a narrow conclusion is reached, based on broader set of premises i.e. general knowledge or other research findings. For positivists, the deductive process is an approach from which one can become aware of a single reality and hypotheses are tested on the basis of a theory (DePoy Gitlins, 2005). Deductive reasoning was demonstrated by Manisha Rathi (2013), as a proper review of the study was done, which helped to form and test the hypotheses that Pelvic Floor Muscle exercise could be beneficial for patients with Chronic low back pain. Objectivity Objective methods are appreciated in quantitative research as much as possible. Objectivity is the extent to which two independent researchers would turn up to an identical or uniform conclusion i.e. judgements are not biased on the basis of personal beliefs (Polit and Beck, 7th ed. p. 340, 562). Manisha Rathis (2013) study demonstrates the basis of objectivity, as the participants had to undergo a particular inclusion and exclusion criteria which assured that only subjects (married females) of a particular age group with chronic low back pain, having persistent symptoms of pain and functional disability for more than twelve weeks must be included in the study. Pregnant females, females having Urogenital dysfunction, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Nerve injury to pelvic floor muscle, any pathology of spine or lower limb were excluded in order to avoid the bias. Defined Protocol and Empirical Evidence In Experimental research, researchers have the Independent variable, which means that the participants are exposed to different treatments or conditions. An Intervention protocol is necessary for the study to develop and specify exactly what intervention will entail i.e. who would administer it, how frequently and for how long a treatment would last. (Polit and Beck, 7th ed.). Manisha Rathi (2013) has followed a specific modules which included subjects enrolment process, their allocation of control group and treatment group and data analysis through different statistical methods. A proper treatment protocol was executed to confirm that the type of treatment and duration received by all the subjects were same. Empirical evidence, according to Polit et al. (7th ed.) is the evidence rooted in objective reality and collected through data collection, utilizing ones own senses rather than through personal beliefs or hunches. Evidence for a study in a positivist paradigm is gathered systematically, using formal instruments to collect the required information. In the study Manisha Rathi (2013) manipulated the independent variables to observe the results. The pain was determined by using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the functional disability was determined by Oswestry Disability Index. Critique According to Polit Beck,(7th ed.) A studys strengths and limitations can be assessed by critiquing of the research. The reviewers summary of the merits of the study, advice regarding the value of the evidence, and suggestions about improving the study or the report is concluded in a critique. According to Polit and Hungler (6th ed.), the quality of a research is closely related to the kinds of decisions the researcher has made in conceptualizing, designing, executing and interpreting the results of the study and critiquing further helps to provide a feedback. A Critiquing tool (ref. to Appendix B) has been used to explore and examine the strengths and limitations of the study done by Manisha Rathi (2013), which will be discussed in the following paragraphs. The Title, Abstract and Study Purpose The title of the study by Manisha Rathi (2013), is concise and gives us the information and indication about the content of study. It also reflects the research approach and the population examined. The abstract compiles the aim, research design, population, method used, results and a conclusion which provides us a brief information about the overview of the theoretical model underlying the research along with what a reader is going to find in the research paper. The result and conclusion provides a basis and creates a curiosity for a further detailed reading. Manisha Rathi (2013) has precisely determined the studys purpose of investigating the efficacy of a therapeutic exercise (Pelvic Floor Exercise) method, on a particular population, in the studys title and abstract. This is an important issue in the field of physiotherapy practice, as Chronic low back pain is a very common ailment within the adult population and the symptoms like increased pain and disability hampers the activities of daily living and is required to be addressed properly. Research Design and Research Hypotheses Manisha Rathi (2013) has applied a true-experimental design (pre test post test control group design ) and cause effect was tested through the hypothesis that PFM exercises could be of benefit for the patients with chronic low back pain. In this study the hypothesis was formulated, followed by a literature review, and then hypothesis was confirmed by process of various measurements and statistical methods. The research design was appropriate as per the research purpose and it also minimized bias and replication of this study is also possible as the study was well explained. Literature review The literature review done by Manisha Rathi (2013) was brief, up to date and included all the important information required for the study. It provides a solid basis for the new study. It was also portrayed and organised in an easy manner to understand, as it started with an introduction of low back pain, its classification, clinical factors and symptoms followed by brief information about the pelvic floor muscles exercises. Study Sample Manisha Rathi (2013) conducted a randomised control study on thirty married females, under the age group between 20- 40 years, with chronic low back pain. They were divided by random allocation into two groups i.e. an experimental and a control group. The researcher has given a good information and has well described the study sample of females with Chronic low back pain. She has followed a particular inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria for the selection of participants in order to minimize bias which strengthens the studys internal validity and also might help in getting efficient results. However, the trial was carried on a small sample size i.e. only on thirty females, 15 in each group (group A and group B). Ethical Considerations The ethical approval was granted for Manisha Rathis(2013) study by the Institutional Ethical Committee of Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Pune. The study was conducted in the Out Patient Department of the college and an informed consent was obtained from all the participants. However, it is not mentioned whether the participants were fully aware about the nature of the research or not. Data Collection and Analysis Methods of gathering data was appropriate. Pre intervention readings and post intervention readings were taken on the 1st day of visit and at the end of 4 weeks respectively. However, there were no follow ups. Manisha Rathi (2013), in her study, assessed pain intensity, in a subjective way, by utilizing Visual Analogue Scale and functional disability was also assessed in a subjective way, by utilizing Oswestry Disability Index , which is a reliable questionnaire. Study Results The study done by Manisha Rathi (2013) shows that the research hypotheses was adequately answered as there was improvement in pain and functional disability levels, following the treatment. Manisha Rathi(2013) has shown her findings in the graphs and has given the P value, which makes it easy to understand and co-relate the results with her conclusion. The Findings based on Manisha Rathis (2013) study would help physiotherapists to achieve better and efficient results while treating patients of Chronic low back pain with the help of Pelvic Floor Muscle exercises. However, limitations of the study includes that the pain intensity and functional disability were measured in a subjective way, on a small sample size and no follow up for treatment was done. Also, EMG and ultrasound was not done for objective outcome measures such as muscle activity and muscle thickness. Discussion The study done by Manisha Rathi(2013) supports the hypothesis that Pelvic Floor Muscle exercise could be of benefit for the patients with Chronic low back pain. Furthermore, the findings and results of her study were well linked to the facts and information provided by her in the literature review which forms a strong base of the study. Refrences Manisha Rathi (2013), has explored and gathered an ample amount of literature from various studies done in the past. This might be because low back ache is a very common condition and many studies have already been done on this ailment and its treatment. Appendix B Critiquing Tool The title Is it concise yet informative? Is the research approach suggesting the key phenomenon? Is the population group identified? The abstract Are the study area, methods, processes, conclusions and implications correctly and concisely described? Where the aims and/or objectives stated ? Does it provide a good basis for deciding whether or not the study is worth reading? Study purpose Is the purpose of the study/research problem clearly identified and relevant to your practice? Research design and research hypothesis Is there a framework/theory to guide the study? Is it appropriate? Who will be studied? What is the plan for conducting the study? Are all variables described? Does the hypothesis reflect the purpose of the study? Literature review Is the literature review provide a solid basis for the new study? Study sample Who is identified as the target population? How were the subjects chosen (e.g., randomly, conveniently)? Who is included? Who is excluded? Is the sample size sufficient? Ethical considerations Were the participants fully informed about the nature of the research? Was ethical permission granted for the study? Data collection and analysis What steps were taken to collect the data? How often was data collected and for how long? What instruments or tools were used? Are the tools adequately described for you to understand what the score means? Were data analysis procedures appropriate? Study results Is the research hypothesis answered? Could you make a change in your practice based on the results of this study? What are the strengths to using the information learned? What are the limitations or the gaps in the study? Discussion Are the findings linked back to the literature review? If a hypothesis was identified, was it supported? References Were all the books, journals and other media alluded to in the study accurately referenced? Sources Polit Beck.(2010) Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice(7th ed.) Lippincott.(pg no.102-103) Ryan, F., Coughlan , M., Cronin, P.(2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 2: qualitative research. British Journal of Nursing, 16, 11, 738-744. Schneider , Elliott , Lo Biondo Wood, Haber (2003), Nursing research methods, critical appraisal and utilisation. (2nd ed.). . 1
Saturday, January 18, 2020
A note on Porterââ¬â¢s Five Forces Model Essay
a) Rivalry between established competitors What are the major factors determining the nature and intensity of competition between established firms? Concentration In general, the fewer the number of firms in an industry, the easier is coordination of pricing behaviour, and the smaller the chance that one firm will initiate aggressive price competition An industry dominated by a single firm displays little competition and the dominant firm can exercise considerable discretion over the prices it charges. Diversity of competitors The ability of the firms in an industry to avoid competition depends not only upon the number of firms but also on their similarities in terms of objectives, costs, strategies. Example: Oil suppliers in OPEC: they were aligned in the 70ââ¬â¢s and prices rose up. They were disaligned in the 80ââ¬â¢s and prices decreased Product differentiation The more similar the offerings of rival firms, the more willing are customers to move from one supplier to the other. Where products are indistinguishable, the product is a commodity and the sole basis for competition is price Example of commodities: Raw materials : crude oil, gold bullions; Some finished products: DRAM chips, US Treasury bills Excess capacity and exit barriers The propensity of firms in an industry to resort to aggressive price competition depends upon the balance between capacity and output. The presence of unused capacity encourages firms to compete for additional business in order to spread fixed costs over a greater sales volume. Excess capacity may be the result of declining market demand or cyclical market demand or overinvestment. The period during which excess capacity overhangs an industry depends on the ease with which firms and resources can leave the industry. Costs and other impediments to leaving an industry are ââ¬Å"barriers to exitâ⬠. Barriers to exit may be substantial where resources are durable and specialized, or where employees are entitled to job protection Example: Closure of mines in the 80s in Western countries were difficult as miners were heavily unionized Cost condition: economies of scale and the ratio of fixed to variable costs The more important the economies of scale are, the greater are the incentives for expanding sales at the expense of competitors. The higher the ratio of fixed to variable costs, the greater the willingness of firms to reduce prices in order to utilize spare capacity Example: This is typically the case in petrochemicals, tires, steel. b) Threat of entry If an industry is earning a return on invested capital in excess of the cost of capital, that industry will act as a magnet to firms outside the industry. An industry where no barriers to entry or exit exist is contestable. However in most industries, new entrants cannot enter on equal terms to those of established firms. The size of the advantage of established over entrant firms measures the height of barriers to entry, which determines the extent to which an industry can in the long term enjoy profits The principal barriers to entry are: Capital requirements Example: Exxon in the 80s spent almost $1 Billion in a vain attempt to catch up with existing players and become a player in the office computer systems market Economies of scale In some industries, particularly those which are capital intensive or research intensive, efficiency requires producing at a very large scale. New entrants are faced with the choice of entering either on a small scale and accepting high unit costs, or a large scale and running the risk of drastic under utilization of capacity while they build up sales volume Example: Commercial jet engines for commercial airliners: Big economies of scale, thus only 3 players [General Electric/Snecma; Pratt and Whitney; Rolls Royce] Absolute cost advantages Such advantages are usually associated with ââ¬Å"first mover advantagesâ⬠: by being early into the industry the established firms may have been able to acquire low cost sources of raw materials and by being longer they benefit from economies of learning. Example: in petroleum: ownership of oil fields prevents any second mover Product differentiation In an industry where products are differentiated, established firms possess an advantage over new entrants by virtue of brand recognition and customer loyalty. New entrants must spend heavily on advertising and promotion to gain similar levels of brand awareness, or accept a small market share which can be gradually expanded Example: Auditing, advertising, investment banking: established reputations and relationships are entry barriers Access to channels of distribution This barrier to entry is due to the distributorsââ¬â¢s preference for established firmsââ¬â¢ products: Limited capacity within distribution(eg shelf space), risk aversion, and fixed costs associated with carrying an additional product result in distributorsââ¬â¢ reluctance to carry a new manufacturerââ¬â¢ product Exemple : Ice cream storage in small outlets Governmental and legal barriers Several barriers: Granting of a license by a public authority Examples: Taxi-cab services, broadcasting In knowledge intensive industries: patents, copyrights and trade secrets Procurement regulation: the costs of becoming listed as an ââ¬Å"approved supplierâ⬠are a barrier Environmental and safety standards: the costs of compliance weigh more heavily on newcomers Retaliation The effectiveness of all these barriers to entry in excluding potential entrants depends upon the entrantsââ¬â¢ expectations as to possible retaliation by established firms. Example of retaliation: Aggressive price-cutting, increased advertising, or legal maneuvers c) Competition from substitutes When there are few substitutes for a product, customers willing to pay a potentially high price In micro economic terms, demand is inelastic to price Examples: Gasoline; Cigarettes If there are close substitutes for a product, then there is a limit to the price customers are willing to pay and any increase in price will cause some customers to switch towards substitutes In micro economic terms, demand is elastic with respect to price. Example: frozen foods versus canned food and fresh produce The extent to which the threat of substitutes is high depends upon two factors: The propensity/willingness of buyers to substitutes Example: Efforts by city planners to relieve traffic congestion either by charging the motorist or by subsidizing public transport have been ineffective in the US in encouraging motorists to forsake their cars for buses The price performance characteristics of substitutes (ie the relative performance of alternative products in relation to their price) If two products meet the same customer needs and one performs better than the other across all criteria, the price of the superior products determines the maximum price for the inferior productà ââ¬â example: batteries of identical size and voltage: the one with the shorter life expectancy will only sell if it undercuts the price of the longer-life battery Where products are meeting more complex needs and no product dominates all performance dimensions, a niche position in the market may be sustainable despite premium pricing Example: Harley Davidson : inferior speed, acceleration, technical sophistication than Japanese motorcycles, but priced higher Difficulty in perceiving performance differences can also inhibit substitution on the basis of price Example: The subjective nature of flagrance makes comparison difficult for the consumer. Direct copies (same ingredients!) of popular perfumes at less than half the price have not gained substantial market share d) Bargaining power of buyers Firms operate in two markets: the market for inputs (raw materials, components, finance, labor services) and for outputs (products and services sold to customers ââ¬â be distributors, consumers or other manufacturers). In both markets the relative profitability of the two parties to a transaction depends upon relative economic power. Two factors are important in determining the strength of buying power Buyersââ¬â¢price sensitivity Some key points on buyersââ¬â¢price sensitivity: 1) It depends on the importance of the item as a proportion of their total cost Example: For food processing companies, metal cans are one of the largest single items in their purchase of materials. These companies are highly sensitive to the prices of metal cans 2) The less differentiated are the products of the supplying industry, the more willing is the buyer to switch suppliers based on the basis of price Example: Supermarket chains can switch suppliers of packaged white breads 3) The greater the competition between buyers, the lower their profit margins, the greater their eagerness to achieve price reductions from their sellers Example: Automobile manufacturers place high pressures on their component suppliers 4) The greater the importance of the sold product to the quality of the buyerââ¬â¢s product or service, the less sensitive are buyers to the prices they are charged Example: PC vendors had to accept Microsoftââ¬â¢s Software prices Relative bargaining power Bargaining power rests ultimately upon refusal to deal with the other party. The balance of power between the two parties to a transaction depends on the credibility and effectiveness with which each makes this threat. Key determinants of the relative bargaining power: ââ¬â the relative costs which each party sustains as a result of the transaction not being consummated ââ¬â the expertise of each party in leveraging its position through gamesmanship 3 factors are likely to be important in determining the bargaining power of buyers relative to that of sellers: 1) Size and concentration of buyers relative to suppliers The smaller the number of suppliers, the less easy is it for a supplier to find alternative customers if one is lost. The bigger the purchases of the customer, the greater is the damage from losing the customer. The larger the size of the buyer relative to the supplier, the better able is the buyer to withstand any financial losses arising from failure to reachà agreement. Example: Buying consortiums are created to pool orders 2) Buyerââ¬â¢s information The first essential for the exercise of bargaining power by buyers is that they are able to compare the prices and qualities of different suppliersââ¬â¢ products or services. Examples: Lawyers, doctors, traders in the bazaars of Istanbul do not display the prices they charge Note that knowledge of price is of little value if the characteristics of a product or service are not easily ascertained before purchase Example: It is difficult to assess beforehand the value of investment advices, management consulting (or baldness treatment!)
Friday, January 10, 2020
White Collar Crime Social Interaction & Conflict Theory
The American dream exists because everybody has a dream of what they want, or what they want to achieve. Americans achieve success through achieving their goals. The American dream is what gives people hope; it allows them to work hard to achieve happiness, and all the things that come with it. Like gaining all the things you want and need in life (Warshauer). The American dream is a big part of Americaââ¬â¢s culture. The American dream is based on the freedom of the people to pursue their goals through hard work and free chance (Malone). Maybe the American dream doesnââ¬â¢t exist maybe there was no American dream to start with. The American dream is dead for the majority of Americaâ⬠sayââ¬â¢s financial guru Suze Orman, she believes that the dream of one day owning your own home and working one job till you retire, well and being able to retire will one day be crushed. Orman says we are on a road leading to poverty and there are no roads coming off of it. This is the e nd of the American dream some say ââ¬Å"it has been soldâ⬠says (DCraig), but itââ¬â¢s the start of a new American Dream. The new American dream deals with responsibility, quality, ethics, and creativity while money takes its new place as a means. But the American dream changes and changes in the 20th century, the American Dream was summarized as ââ¬Å"a single family house in the suburbs with a white picket fence around it,â⬠(Leinberger). So the American dream changes with time, as the world changes so does the American dream. The us bureau of labor stats that out of 100 people that started working when they were 25, by the age of 65, 1 percent are wealthy, 4 percent have retired, 3 percent are still working, 63 percent are dependent on social security and charity,29 percent are dead. This represents real people who will most likely never make it to the top. This says that only 5% of the people you see will be finically successful. The worst thing about the American dream is that people would rather be rich and miserable than poor and happy. ââ¬Å"I once said that at a party, and a woman about my age said, ââ¬Å"Well sure I would. If I was rich, I could make myself happy. â⬠ââ¬Å"Nope,â⬠I replied. ââ¬Å"Thatââ¬â¢s not the deal: You can either be rich and miserable, or poor and happy. Period. So which is it? â⬠She thought about it for several seconds. ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢d rather be rich. ââ¬Å" Said Francis Hare Thatââ¬â¢s the problem with the American Dream. It used to be that a person with good work ethic could become anything they wanted and be happy with it. Now itââ¬â¢s about all the money you can make how much you have and you social class. (Hare) Another way to achieve the American dream is through education; education is the key to success, if you donââ¬â¢t have the proper education itââ¬â¢s not likely for a person to succeed in life (Stone). If there is an American dream which means, people pursuing their dreams, then why is the unemployment rate so high? The answer to that question is that the American dream has changed in some peopleââ¬â¢s eyes. The opinion I share is that the American dream has always existed in Americans dreams hence the ââ¬Å"American Dreamâ⬠. I think it is what people dream of having which varies from person to person, no one person has the same dream. It also changes from time to time; as new things come out people want them. Most of all people are losing sight of the American dream all they want is money and an easy was to get it, most people are trying to achieve their American dream the easy way through lawsuits or the lottery (Warshauer). So I do think the American dream varies depending on the person. I can see why people think the American dream doesnââ¬â¢t exist. Since there is really no definition for the American Dream or you canââ¬â¢t really put your finger on what it actually is. Lorie A. Johnson says the American dream is getting farther and farther out of reach. Today, people cannot afford to buy a home; people are spending their money on other things to find happiness. But Lorie A. Johnson says that ââ¬Å"in order to be truly happy, Americans need to reject the false American dream and create their own vision of happinessâ⬠. Johnson) But the real question is does the American dream still exist? The answer to this question is there is no answer, because it only exists in the people that believe in it and itââ¬â¢s also different from person to person. The American dream only exists in the people that believe in the American dream. For the people that still believe in the American dream, it gives hope of success in their life. For the people that donââ¬â¢t believe in the American dream, they are now slaves to their jobs donââ¬â¢t have goals to achieve. Which makes it harder and harder to believe there is an American Dream? (Malone). The American dream can be said to be many things but one this for sure is that it is not gone. It just changes with the time, if America is still around so will the American dream no matter how bad the economy gets. The American dream is definitely still alive and kicking people just need to know that, the American dream is whatever their dream is or whatever they want to accomplish.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Creation In Mythology Essay - 703 Words
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The creation of man and the world is a question that has resonated since the conscience of thought and analysis began. We as human beings have the tendency to seek out the reasons and truths of the phenomena that occur around us, and our desire to achieve answers has not hindered our exploration of human existence. We tease ourselves by asking the most simplistic questions: why are we here; how did we come to be; who created our world? And as our minds seek into the unknown and force us to develop the theories of our origins, the human hunger for reason and truth begs to differ. Stories have collected throughout the generations that have preceded us, and its transition from person to person further moldedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Tu, is the fierce father and god of war-spirited humans; Tane is the father and god of trees, birds, and insects; Rongo is the father and god of edible cultivated plants; Tangaroa is the father of fish and sea reptiles; Haumia i s the father and god of fern root and edible wild plants. All five children explain the various species of life on earth. The same pattern is found in the Babylonian creation myth. In this myth, the characters Father Apsu and Mother Tiamat have children/grandchildren, one who controls the heavens. These three myths explain the many ââ¬Å"forcesâ⬠that exist in our world. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Japanese, Polynesian, and Babylonian myths illustrates a world created from a mother and father being. The character of the father is one that has all power, all decision, and controls everything and the family. The character of the mother is defined as the caretaker, and a key component that holds the family together. All three myths exhibit a form of cooperation within the family to achieve natural harmony. Without one ââ¬Å"childâ⬠the other does not succeed, a phenomenon expressed in the Polynesian myth where all children try to escape from the void within their parentsââ¬â¢ attachment. The mother/father image is important to be distinguished in these three myths, and work as and important figure in it as well. In the Japanese creation myth, Izanami and IzanagiShow MoreRelatedGreek Mythology : The Creation1373 Words à |à 6 PagesGreek Mythology - The Creation: In the beginning of time there was nothing but darkness and chaos but then miraculously a being emerged from the empty void called Erebus and night. All was dark, empty and silent until love was born bringing order with it, light was born along with Gaea, the earth from love. 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Each of these civilizations has created unique descriptions and accounts of such events. However, when comparing them to each other, are they really different? Look at the ancient Greco - Roman creation myths as told by Hesiod in his Theogony and Works and Days and Ovidââ¬â¢s Metamorphoses, when compared to the creation myths as seen in the Old Testamentââ¬â¢s book of Genesis they may not be as different as oneRead MoreMythology Summary and Analysis: Greek Mythology the Beginnings ââ¬Å¡Ãâà ® Creation1503 Words à |à 7 PagesMythology Summary and Analysis: Greek Mythology The Beginnings ââ¬â Creation Summary In the beginning there was only Chaos, an empty void. But somehow this enormous vacancy gave birth to Gaea, the earth, to Tartarus, the great region beneath the earth, and to Eros, the shining god of love and attraction. Chaos also bore Erebus, the darkness of the netherworld, and Night, the darkness over the earth. Then Erebus slept with Night, who gave birth to Ether, the heavenly light, and to Day, the earthlyRead MoreComparision of Genesis with Other Creation Mythologies Essay1012 Words à |à 5 PagesComparison of Genesis with Other Creation Mythologies We all know that our mothers and fathers gave us birth, and grandmothers and grandfathers gave our parents birth. However, what about the beginning? What does the beginning look like? Who created the sky, the earth, the mountains and rivers, the plants, the animals, and the human beings? How was the world created? What happened to the creator? These questions have puzzled and are asked by every people. However, no one has yet foundRead MoreMythology And Christianity : Mythology948 Words à |à 4 PagesMythology and Christianity Mythology is known for its artistic values of cultures well before the world we live in today. The stories that derive from these great folk tales set a scene in lives of people who worshipped their Godââ¬â¢s and the items that they praised them for. Depending on the geographic location and the time of the myth, or at least what it could be traced to, the people would praise and worship different Godââ¬â¢s for different reasons. Just like in our modern system of religion in thisRead MoreTheories of Mythology Essay755 Words à |à 4 PagesTheories of Mythology The definition of mythology is derived from the word ââ¬Å"mythâ⬠. The word itself is developed from the Greek word ââ¬Å"mythosâ⬠, which means sagas, legend, or fable. The word ââ¬Å"mythâ⬠is a chronicle that seeks to prove the world around us and is passed down from generation to generation (Lincoln, 1999). It is the nature of humans to marvel about the unknown and explain the unaccountable. It is also the desire for knowing that has inspired humans to fabricate amazing stories of hisRead MoreMythology and How It Affects Society Essay1218 Words à |à 5 PagesMythology has been used in a multitude of ways since the beginnings of civilization as it provided mankind explanation for natural occurrences: harvest time and the changing of the seasons, natural disasters: earthquakes and storms, and life events: birth and death, but was also used to simply provide entertainment. Another huge role that mythology played a part in was the explanation of how the earth and all its people were created and why. This formed the structure for many societies as they couldRead MoreWomen Of Ancient Greek Mythology Essay1535 Words à |à 7 Pagesthroughout history. Women were commonly regarded as the subservient gender, an idea that was no different in Ancient Greece. Throughout Greek mythology, women were considered inferior and troublesome symbols, while men were known for courage, leadership, and strength. While there is no argument of the flagrant sexism that is illustrated in Greek mythology, it can also be claimed that women were given a situated position of freedom, necessity, and power as well. Many popular Greek plays and mythsRead MoreNative American Folklore As Mythology Essay1066 Words à |à 5 PagesThroughout history, and all over the world, mythology has been developed as a way of explaining the unknown and coping with oneââ¬â¢s existence. Why does the sun shine? Well, seemingly, to generations past, something is controlling the univer se, so there must be a god in charge of the sun and many other natural phenomenon. During the creation of Native American myths, ââ¬Å"there was much in the way of free-range food, but hunting wasnt as easy as getting up in the morning, taking a stroll and shooting a
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